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I work with a small number of clients in order to deliver exceptional service. I am only taking on 1 new client at a time. For each new client, I need to gain a deep understanding of their business, market, analytics data and website design. I can only do that by concentrating my efforts on 1 website at a time. After improvements have been identified and tests have started, we need to wait for the results, and at that point, I can work with either existing clients on their results or with a new client.
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No. My role is to increase by an order of magnitude the efficiency of your website(s) to convert visitors. I am very mindful of the responsibilities that come with such skills and I won’t promote websites which sell products or services with little or no value. Yes, I’m aware that I could easily make a lot of money by promoting shady but expensive health supplements, or by helping to sell the countless worthless fitness and diet plans that mushroom on the web.
Well, money is not my guidance in life, so I won’t work to promote offerings in which I don’t believe. On the other hand, I’m actively looking to work for businesses that I would like to help grow and impact more people. That may be why you received an email from me 😉
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In almost all case, no. It’s not a question of skills, it’s a question of accountability. Bringing traffic to any webpage is easy to do: post a Facebook ad with a “bog boobs” photo and you will drive a ton of traffic to any webpage. Is this traffic qualified? No. What conversion rate will you have on it? Almost zero.
This is an extreme example, but in all cases it is difficult to judge how qualified new traffic really is. Is your conversion rate low because your website is not efficient or because the traffic is not nearly qualified to begin with? The answer to this question has a subjective component to it, and I prefer to avoid this area unless we have an established and trusting relationship.
When optimizing your conversion rate, I will have a look at the quality of your traffic, because that could entirely explain a low conversion rate. I won’t actively generate new traffic though, unless we’ve been working together successfully for a while — so you will trust me when I say the traffic I generate is qualified.
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In most cases, yes. By continuing to test the elements of your website, you are able to make continuous progress in your Conversion Rate. This is not to say that it will improve with each test done, as some tests will actually be negative, with the variation tested decreasing your CR. But if you continue to implement your testing strategy, you will keep on improving your CR.
Most clients do not want to continuously optimize and test their website however, because they usually have to pay their CRO consultant based on the number of tests ran or the length of time a testing campaign is implemented. With our model, where you only pay for the realized improvement, you do not have this drawback. Wether we deliver to you a 5% increase in conversions after 6 months of testing or after 2 months, you would pay the same fee for our services. This way, we optimize your website for the long-term and work with you to continuously improve it.
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My data privacy and confidentiality policy is simple:
- I don’t share any of your data with anyone or any other business entity, period.
- I will destroy all of your data when our working relationship ends, except if you ask me not to because you plan on collaborating again at a later date.
I am taking all reasonable steps to physically and digitally secure all of your data, including:
- My laptop hard-drive is fully encrypted, your data is safe even if my machine is stolen.
- My laptop is continuously backed-up by Crashplan on their servers, but the data is encrypted using my private keys before it leaves my machine. That means even if my laptop crashes or is stolen, I do not lose any work done for you and can restore everything in 24 hours (and yes, it happened to me before, and I was up and running again in 24hrs 😉 ).
- My Google Apps for Business account (which is handling my emails) is protected by 2-factor authentication, meaning an attacker cannot gain access to my email data without being physically in possession of my iPhone at the same time.
- I’m using Podio to collaborate with you. That means your data and my analysis will be stored on your own Podio workspace. Podio is not a small player though, it is part of Citrix, and offers stringent security guarantees. You can read more on them in their Security White Paper.
- Apart from my laptop, my iphone, my emails and your own Podio workspace, your data will not be stored anywhere else.
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Yes, of course. I will sign a Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement whenever you want, even before our very first interaction should you feel the need to. This will mean that I will be legally binded to keeping your info secure and confidential, as well as destroying all of it when our working relationship ends. On the other hand, you do not have any constraints.
As a rule, I send a standard Unilateral NDA signing request to all prospects before our first call so we can have a meaningful discussion. I have a standard NDA template that protects you fully and I am using Adobe Echosign to request your signature: you are effectively legally protected in just a few clicks.
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Yes, you don’t pay any fees until after I delivered measured results. Before we start working together, we sign a contract defining how my fees will be computed based on the results I deliver. Then I’m doing all the work and you pay me only at the end. Absolutely no other fees are payable before.
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No. You need to have a monthly revenue high enough to compute fees on. Think of it this way: if my fee is 20% of the revenue increase I deliver to you, even a 300% increase based on a monthly $100 revenue (ie, I increased your revenue from $100 to $300) is only $40. For 100% Performance based fees to be possible, you need a revenue high enough to justify my time & efforts.
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We’ll simply use a Retainer based fee. You pay me a fixed fee and I’ll work with you. The fee will be high relative to your current revenue, but think of it as an investment to be recovered over time. And I offer performance guarantees on these contracts, since I still believe accountability should be king in a B2B relationship.
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Website optimization is a task that can be done remotely particularly well, and we strive to minimize the amount of time we require from clients. We do need to schedule several in-depth discussions though, particularly during the exploration phase where we need to get an excellent understanding of your business.
When you’re a client, we’ll interact routinely through email, phone and our client platform. But for those in-depth discussions, we’ll need to do video calls. For this, we us VSee, which delivers excellent performance even if you’re on a cellular network. They provide video calling capabilities to the NASA, the NYSE and even enable telemedecine for Harvard and Stanford University’s hospitals, so rest assured we will discuss efficiently.
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In most cases, no, there is no complex IT integration work. If we move on to work on advanced tests, you will need your dev team to implement some code changes, but that only applies to maybe 5% of all clients.